Saturday, January 24, 2009

Alfie let me hold him!

I'm so tickled! Alfie let me pet him! Raised his neck feathers for some scritching then started getting on my arm. He couldn't for some reason but tried a couple times so I scooped him up and he nestled in the crook of my arm.

Not sure why but he can grip my fingers just fine and the perch that's almost the same as my arm without problem. He didn't seem to hang on with any strength. I know he has it because he goes upside down on the perches, climbs around the cage and I felt it when he grabbed my finger.

Foolish bird almost fell into my lap (I was sitting) because he wouldn't clamp down with his beak on my finger that he was mouthing when he started sliding on my arm. After that he was content to nestle into my arm/chest and wanted his head cupped in my hand with his beak pressed into my palm while I stroked him and gave neck scritches.

I was also impressed with Tilly. She stood at the door of the cage softly cooing to him and watching. When I put him on the perch outside so he could climb in on his own he went in and she stood between me and him. It was like she was saying that I'd had my visit with him and that was all she'd allow, lol.

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